about us

built bettr. live bettr.

bettr homes is on a mission to have an impact on the world that brings about change – that disrupts the archaic, traditional building practices into fast, insightful, transparent, technology-focused practices utilizing cutting-edge, proprietary, building technologies, that provide a better quality of life for people and the environment. ​

bettr homes delivers state-of-the-art, green homes that provide a superior structure, higher indoor air quality, supreme comfort, lower operating costs, lower ownership costs – this is what a better homes is – better in every way – including ROI.​

bettr homes


lower maintenance

bettr homes do not require the same level of maintenance as traditional building materials


lower insurance costs

bettr homes qualify for lower insurance costs because of wind mitigation, lower fire risk, and a sealed envelope


lower electric bills

bettr homes reduce monthly electricity cost from 50-100%


higher appraisal value

bettr homes appraise, on average, over 30% higher than traditionally built homes

bettr homes team

passion driven